34N-LBPH Algorithm Incorporated with CNN For Face Recognition Under Constrained Environment

Solomon Anab, Godbless Mensah, Ebenezer Komla Gavua, Mustapha Adamu Mohammed


Along the security systems and interfaces up to human computer interaction, face recognition is implemented in various applications and usages. In this domain, the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm has come up as probable due to the versatility in the texture based features and also due to the inherent resistance. In this work, the 34N-LBPH is integrated with CNN, further optimization through the machine learning approach to enhance face recognition in a restricted illumination condition. A comprehensive experimentation was undertaken to evaluate the performance of the hybridised algorithms using constrained face datasets: ORL Dataset. The hybridised technique was then compared with the traditional LBPH technique under constrained environment. The performance analysis revealed that the proposed hybridised face recognition technique achieved a higher Accuracy of 95.25% than the original LBPH of 94.23%, which constitutes a significant improvement and indicates that the suggested technique accurately classified 1.02% more samples than LBPH normal. The specific conclusion drawn therefore posits that the hybridised technique is more capable of handling the facial recognition tasks as compared to the more conventional LBPH algorithm in cases of varying lighting conditions and even variations in pose to improve the face recognition system


Accuracy, Algorithm, Face Recognition, LBPH.


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